8th April 2023. Edition One. In this edition:
President's Report, BCCT eNews,
Meet the Candidates.
Village Green Master Plan,
Beautiful Things By....,
Anzac Day 2023,
Flood Study,
Your Civic Trust,
Local JP,
Hornsby Council Newsletter, Hornsby Park and Westleigh Park, City of Parramatta News Bulletin,
Recent Development Applications,
Latest Police Reports.
Message from the President While we have emerged from the Covid pandemic, 2022, 2023 is become increasingly busy.
It has been largely impossible to hold public meetings but, with Pennant Hills Civic Trust, we were able to hold a public
meeting to hear about, and discuss, the proposed Special Rate Variation
proposed by Hornsby Shire Council. While numbers in attendance from
Beecroft and Cheltenham were small, there was still a good robust
Public advocacy concentrated on submissions aimed at:
Ameliorating the road noise on the M2,
Preserving the Byles Creek Valley bushland,
Improving the cycleway,
Improving the ability of pedestrians to walk from Beecroft to Epping railway station.
of these topics requires significant further effort to gain appropriate
responses. Our work is far from over on any of them.
Our ongoing advocacy to maintain the feel of our suburbs by closely
monitoring development applications has continued. While we have had
some wins it remains disappointing when the outcome is less than what we
had hoped for. During the course of this work it has become clear that
no matter what work is done on development applications, unless we have
an improved system of private certifiers the implementation of
conditions on development approvals will remain fraught. We have
therefore developed a proposal to refine the system governing private
certifiers and will continue to lobby for these legislative changes as
the new ministers settle into their portfolios following the March
Because we now have only one local paper, and it covers a very broad
catchment area for news, we have deliberately sought to expand the
Trust’s monthly eNews to cover news items about Cheltenham and Beecroft.
We are endeavouring to work far closer with neighbouring Civic Trusts in
Epping and Pennant Hills because issues of concern cross over into
these suburbs. We have therefore also held joint public meetings with
each of these other organisations. The most recent of these was by
combining with Epping Civic Trust for our ‘Meet the Candidates’ event.
The final significant change that we have introduced was to endeavour to
ensure that what we attempted, accurately represented the wishes of the
Beecroft and Cheltenham residents. To that end, and apart from the
limited number of public meetings, we have included surveys in the
e-news. We have posted on our web site copies of any submissions
made and invited guests to attend our committee meetings. We are always
receptive to hearing ideas about how best to identify and represent your
views on topics that are consistent with our constitution. Like so much
else this is a work in progress but one of the many where we think that
we have made changes in 2022 / 2023.
I encourage each one of you to subscribe to the monthly eNews as well as
becoming members of the Trust and, best still, joining the committee.
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust eNews. The
Trust publishes this monthly eNews newsletter. If you would like
to receive this newsletter on a regular basis, please CLICK HERE to subscribe to the eNews.
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust 2023 Annual General Meeting You are invited to attend the Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust Annual General Meeting
Thursday 27th April 2023 7.15pm for 7.30pm start
Venue:- Beecroft Presbyterian Church Hall Between Mary and Welham Streets Beecroft.
Join the Trust Committee!
If you are passionate about our local community then please seriously
consider joining the Trust committee. It is vital to the health of the
Trust that there is a continuous flow of new committee members.
We particularly need members who live in the Parramatta LGA, but we also
need members who live in Cheltenham to satisfy our constitutional
requirements. Nomination forms are available at www.bcct2119.com.au. Or just turn up on the night and get involved
Updates will be published on our web site and in an updated eNews later this month.
Meet the Candidates The Civic Trust held a successful combined "Meet the Candidates" event with the Epping Civic Trust. Four of the six candidates standing for the Epping Electorate attended. seated from left to right Victor
Waterson (Independent) Carmen Terceiro (Animal Justice) Phil Bradley
(Greens) Alan Mascarenhas (Labor)
Beecroft Village is about to undergo some extensive changes. The shopping complex at 5 Wongala Cresent was approved in 2021 for a mixed use of commercial shops and residential units above. CLICK HERE to view the documentation relating to the development application.
A Display and sales office is expected to be opening soon in Hannah Street.
Beecroft Village Green Master Plan A
masterplan for the Beecroft Village Green is currently on
exhibition. Residents are encouraged to view and comment the draft
plans on Hornsby Council’s web site click here under ‘Your Say
Hornsby’.https://yoursay.hornsby.nsw.gov.au/ CLICK HERE to read the Civic Trust's submission.
Beautiful Things By.... In
our last eNews we published a story about Jean Campbell's approaching
retirement. Some of our readers took it to mean the shop was
closing. We would like to clarify "Beautiful Things By..." is NOT
closing because Jean is actively looking for a buyer to purchase the
business and to keep it operating. If anyone has any interest in
buying a successful business, Jean can be contacted in person on most
days in her
ANZAC Day 2023 The ANZAC Day service will once again be held at the Beecroft War Memorial on Wongala Crescent.
Put in your diary, April 25 at 3:00pm
Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan – Project Update The Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust has
made a submission to the study and plan. The Trust understands all
submitions would have received a reply from Hornsby Council outlining
their current position. CLICK HERE to read Council’s current position. Basically the study has now been postponed pending discussions with the State Government.
To view properties affected by the study CLICK HERE.
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust. The Trust has for many years fought and lobbied to protect our suburbs.
If you value your Trust and appreciate the work the Trust does to
preserve the amenity and heritage of our two suburbs, please consider
renewing your financial membership.
This can be done on-line at https://bcct2119.com.au/membership.htm Without your valued support, the Trust will cease to exist.
Local Justice of the Peace Timothy
Abrams a Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust committee member, has
generously offered his services as a Justice of the Peace for any
residents requiring this service.
Tim can be contacted on Mob 0417 662 405
Dr. Penelope Crossley has also generously offered her services.
Penelope is a practising solicitor and is happy to witness documents pro
bono for 2119 residents if Tim is unavailable. Penelope can be
contacted on Mob 0449 232 474.
Hornsby Shire Council's April News Bulletin Can be viewed CLICK HERE
Hornsby Shire Council unveils first stage for Hornsby Park and progresses plans for Westleigh Park. At
its general meeting, Hornsby Shire Council last night took significant
steps forward in the delivery of its two major projects at Hornsby and
Westleigh Parks. Councillors determined to progress Hornsby Park by
delivering an impressive canopy skywalk and cable bridge through the
trees in 2024. They also voted to publish the revised draft Westleigh
Park Master Plan and place the draft Plan of Management on public
exhibition. CLICK HERE for more information.
City of Parramatta's April News Bulletin Can be viewed CLICK HERE
Recent Development Applications The
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust's Web Site now has links to recently
submitted Development Applications in the 2119 postcode area for both
Hornsby and Parramatta Shire Councils. This page will be updated
with every eNews publication. CLICK HERE To access them.
The Civic Trust has written a letter to Hornsby Council objecting to the
DA for 19A Chapman Ave. The Trust's objection can be viewed CLICK HERE.
Other objections and correspondence with council can be viewed CLICK HERE
Latest Police Reports CLICK HEREfor
the latest reports. Just a reminder that these reports are
regularly provided by the Ryde Police Area Command which includes the
entire suburbs of Beecroft & Cheltenham.
Annual Memberships for 2023 became due in March... CLICK HERE
Keep our two suburbs strong and informed by being a member!
To support or join the Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust, please visit our website. CLICK HERE.The
eNews has become our main method for disseminating information to the
community. We already cover much of our o suburbs. We encourage
residents who receive the eNews to tell their neighbours and friends and
suggest they too subscribe. The eNews letter is available to all
who subscribe. Trust Membership is not a requirement.
The eNews archives are available HERE. To subscribe to the eNews: CLICK HERE.The Trust has always sought to assist any resident regardless of their membership status.